Patrick Hubmann
Working, producing and trading goods and services, always has an impact on the society and on the environment. It influences directly the life of people who develop a product, who build it and deal with it, who use it and destroy it. Every man-made object interacts with many different people and makes people interact with each other. The quality of an object for me is defined by the quality of relations it invokes in its environment from sketch until disposal. In my work as designer and artisan this is the central question I investigate and play with. Apparently working with shapes, materials and colors, but in reality focused on the people who get in touch with them. Making installations in public spaces, workshops and working with different communities gives me a privileged point of view on this questions and gives me an immediate feedback on the value of my ideas.
- Table of Content
- Druck am Dreesch
- Kistenflitzer
- Freiraum
- Le cours de l’eau, la cour et l’eau
- Construir Juntos
- Casa do Vapor
- How Together
- The Arch
- StadtLand
- Das wachsende Haus
- Parasite
- Mobiles Museum
- The Longest Bench of Brussels
- Lernraum
- Hotel Egon
- W.o.W
- Unlearning Center
- Mont Réel
- Museum of Arte Util
- Main Hall
- DopingLab
- Der ESSENtisch
- Hallo: Plataforma Trafaria
- Yellow Ziehharmonika Box
- Giardino Ammirato
- #costruirelimprovviso
- CasinOtopia
- Mon(s) Invisible
- Piazza Laboratorio Urbano
- constructLab builders village
- The New Eden
- R come repubblica Milano
- Teatro del Mare
- Cittadellarte /Kunststadt
- Milano Film Festival 16th edition
- Milano Film Festival 15th edition