W.o.W Workshop#2: don’t just sit there, make some rhythm!
Don’t just sit there, make some rhythm! – a very Cajon building workshop with ON/OFF
The cajón is a musical instrument probably born in Peru in the XVIII century; at the beginning, it was made of fruit boxes. Some stories tell it was spread between slaves, to whom was prohibited playing drums, and imported then to Cuba. A 1-day workshop to build a cajón, but not only: let’s make a bench, sit on it, play it and make people dance!
At the end of the workshop, let’s improvise a concert, and if you play other instruments, bring them!
At the end of the day, you will bring home your hand-made personal Cajon
ON/OFF is a network of designers, architects, curators, filmmakers and urbanists. Our curiosity lies in the city and its processes. This complexity offers the basis for experiments into our contemporary condition and gives us the opportunity to question, to tune into and to discover new realities.
With each project we draw on our combined experiences and unique skills to investigate and affect the city’s lived dimension. We primarily conceive of tools – structures both physical, social and fictional – which enable shared engagement with the citizens of the place where the experiments are carried out.
The workshop will be held by Berk Asal and Lasse Kilvaer
Day: 29th April 2017
Time: 11.00-17.00
Location: Bauhaus Campus, Bauhaus Archiv, Klingelhöferstraße 14 berlin 10785