W.o.W AstroLab
The W.O.W was in Aix-en-Provence in the art center 3bisF in the psychiatric hospital Montperrin of Aix-en-Provence. The performing artist Loreto Martinez-Troncoso invited the workshop on wheels to build a discussion place and a radio system to broadcast a twenty-four hour radio program on the 12th-13th of May. From one sunrise to the next, there will be a live streaming of the radio show in the 3bisf’s garden. Since October, Loreto organises sound workshops and works with patients, students and people in order to collect various materials for the radio. She records words, poetry, cooking moments, singing, music, improvisations to explore fiction and diction. This work aims to share an atmosphere, feelings, moments and exchanges of this place.
During the week, many workshops were organised: construction, graphic, painting, lightning and sewing. Each workshop was animated by the constructLab team. Patients of the hospital and students from Aix-en-Provence and Marseille joined the team to think, build and paint structures. Every workshop was linked to make a common object – AstroLab.
The radio space was organised in three different parts. First, a big lighted hive where one can be isolated from outside. The fabric and cork boards close the structure from externals lights and noises. This intimate place can host two people. A simple agora composed of eight wood benches surrounds the hive. Some drawings picked from the graphic workshops were painted with a naturally pigmented paint made during the week. Finally, there is an area with benches including speakers, where you can hear the live broadcasting in 3bisF’s garden.
From: 09th April 2018
Until: 14th April 2018
109 Avenue du Petit Barthélémy, 13100 Aix-en-Provence

Image Credits: constructLab