Livre Invisible – the book

The first constructlab book is out and available now! In ENGLISH and FRENCH and on 250 PAGES, it tells the complete story of our project Mon(s) Invisible, which emerged during one summer in the hanging gardens, an enchanted place in Mons (Bergen) in Belgium, the European Capital of Culture 2015. It’s about both, the visible structure of the various architectural typologies, used to inhabit the place and the invisible relational aspects we are exploring in order to initiate and reinforce a temporary community of local and international users. After three months of Belgian summer the project was about to end if the locals wouldn’t have reclaimed continuation to the city-hall!

Now – 2017 – the “jardin suspendu” is flourishing in its third year and the story continues!

Most of the initial project participants contributed to this book designed by Modem Studio.

You can purchase a book for 25€ + shipping costs, please send us an email to info(at)

Get the Book PDF for free here!