Jardins Fabriques Haras d’Annecy
ESAA d'Annecy
Jardins fabriques is a design-build project with students from École Supérieure d’Art de l’Agglomération d’Annecy, art school of Annecy, France. The project is a partnership between the city hall, the National Theater Scene Bonlieu of Annecy and the art school. Coordinated by the teaching staff of the art school, it is a pedagogical project in the design space department under the guidance of Alexander Römer and Emmanuel Louisgrand.
The theatre temporarily uses the abandoned space of the former Haras (stud farm) of Annecy for the time of the refurbish-work on their parent theatre house and invited the art-school and artists to intervene in its beautiful gardens. The city wishes to open the long-time enclosed gardens of the Haras to the public. It is situated in a very exclusive central area near the lake of Annecy.
The project consists in a proposition of an agricultural garden with place to enjoy, prepare and transform the harvest. Largely divided in 4 different landscape characters the students work on different plantations. A wheat-field with attached brewery for homemade beer and long slots for a vegetable garden. Further on a volcano like hill structure planted with herbs. Inside the volcano is an auditorium with a central fireplace and hot water to brew herbal tea. In a garage mushrooms grow and a crazy roller coaster wooden gutter brings rainwater to a little shaded pool.
The project started in October 2012, building took place in April 2013, with the generous help of the municipal gardeners and the team of the theatre. Later in 2014 the by then former students founded an association which is coordinating and programming the place commissioned by the city hall.

Image Credits: Constructlab/William Pestrimaux/ Damien Belleville