Arch Building Open Call
Open Call For Participation!
Arch Building 21.08 – 02.09
During the summer months of 2017 Construclab moves to the former mine of Waterschei in the industrially coined Limburgian town Genk, Belgium. Living on site, we will construct an inhabitable support structure that can be used as a social, artistic and community-shaping tool. Between the 21st of August and 2nd of September the vault-shaped support structure will be covered with a newly developed brick, invented and produced in our laboratories on site.
Invited by the city of Genk, we are looking forward to create a convivial and inspiring atmosphere on top of the ex-mine which is to become the Thor- park for development of new and sustainable technologies. Relating to the past and to the future of the site, we propose a popular artistic research method that explores the cycle of plastic and a production process to form it into a standard building brick.
We are looking for 30 enthusiastic participants to work, build and live together in a structure that we call our social and experimental laboratory. This is an opportunity to inhabit a construction site with an open door to public space, to acquire practical and unexpected knowledge and to make surprising acquaintances.
To apply please send us a short CV specifying your background, interests and motivations to participate in the Arch-building, accompanied by a couple of images representing your work and interests, all in a pdf format of maximum 4 pages.
Application deadline : June 30th
Send your application to : The file should be named : lastname_firstname_ap- plication.pdf
Arch-building registration fee is 200€ per person, which includes three meals per day and accommodation (open dorm / camping). For participants coming from outside, the costs of transportation are not included in the participation fee.
For more information and subscription fees:
Open Call For Participation
For more information on The Arch: